Holly Health App

Lodge Health Partnership has partnered with Holly Health, an app which uses habit change coaching to help you make small changes to improve both mental and physical health. It covers four main areas- sleep, nutrition, exercise and mental wellbeing.

How it works

  • Follow the link https://hollyhealth.io/lodgehealth to get started.
  • Once you are set up and logged in you will be asked some questions to get an idea of your motivations, current behaviours and health goals.
  • It then helps you create daily habits, suggesting ideas depending on the information given.
  • They can then track your progress to see how you are getting on.
  • It also provides resources to further inspire and motivate you, such as articles, videos and recipes.
  • Reminders can be set up to help you complete the daily habits.
  • Users can start a conversation with Holly Bird (AI) at any time if you are needing more information or some extra support.
  • 8 weeks after signing up, you will be asked questions to assess progress.

Important to note – the app does not share any details with us regarding your individual use of the app or your progress etc.

Please see video linked below for further information about Holly Health.
