Type 2 Diabetes

Every two minutes someone finds out that they have Type 2 diabetes.

If left unchecked, Type 2 diabetes is a very serious health condition that can cause long term health problems.

It can lead to sight loss, kidney failure, loss of a limb, and makes you at least twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Having diabetes also puts you at greater risk of becoming very unwell if you catch COVID-19. Being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can have a huge impact on you and your family and can mean lots of changes to the way you live your life.

You can turn that risk around. The first step is to check your individual risk of developing the disease. The Diabetes UK risk tool can help you find out if you’re at risk. If you’re over 40, overweight or from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background you are likely to be at higher risk. It takes just a few minutes to check and could be the most important thing you do today.

Visit www.diabetes.org.uk/risk

Please talk to your GP if your risk score is moderate or high.

Your doctor may suggest a blood test and for you take part in our free Healthier You diabetes prevention programme.