Diabetes Advice

There are 2 types of diabetes. Type 1 where the body does not produce any insulin at all (usually develops in childhood or teenage years) and the patient must go on insulin straight away, or usually type 2 diabetes whereby the patient does produce insulin, but it does not work efficiently and tablets alongside diet and exercise is needed.

Patients get type 2 diabetes for various reasons. 1. Patients are more susceptible due to ethnicity-usually Asian, 2. Patients have a family history and 3. Overweight or obesity. Sadly, obesity is the most common cause in the UK.

We have a specialized diabetic team at the Lodge Health Partnership. It is a chronic disease and has many long-term repercussions if the patient is left untreated or undertreated. Sadly, the most common cause of blindness in the UK is from poorly controlled diabetes. Alongside this renal disease is common in type 2 diabetes if also left untreated.

Therefore, it is very important that the team sees you and discusses options with you regularly, so we can reduce the side effects of long-term damage.

If you have any symptoms such as increased thirst, passing urine more regularly or if you are getting thrush and feeling unwell, please ask your nurse/GP to assess you for type 2 diabetes.

Information on diabetes can be found on www.diabetes.co.uk.

Information on diet can be found on www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/enjoy-food/eating-with-diabetes.