Condolences from Marie Curie

If this is a difficult time for you, we’re here to help

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Marie Curie offers our sincere condolences to her family, the country and the Commonwealth at this sad time. We’re especially thinking of His Majesty the King, Charles III, who has been Royal Patron of Marie Curie since 2003.

The death of someone in the public eye can also remind us of our own more direct losses and bereavements, bringing those feelings back into sharp focus. This may be an especially difficult time for colleagues or patients who have experienced a bereavement, are anticipating a bereavement, or are thinking about their own mortality or end of life planning.

We offer free bereavement support via our Support Line to people who are grieving, whether due to a recent loss or one from some time ago. Call 0800 090 2309 to speak to a trained member of the team. And there’s a range of articles, information and support on our website that you may find helpful.